Marta Finazzi
Genoa, IT - 1987
Street artist, theater-circus actress, scenarist and teacher of the aerial disciplines
As a little girl, watching the Montecarlo circus on tv, she asked her mother how to become a trapeze artist. Her mother answered "a circus artist is not something you become, you have to be born in the circus", so at first Marta settles for the most similar thing, artistic gymnastics.
At the age of 18 she enrolled at the Milan Film School as a screenwriter and later graduated from the University of Genoa in Literature. After which Marta moves on to discovers the new world of circus and teaches herself the aerial disciplines, creating a personal and analytical relationship with the tools at hand.
Improving even further her circus techniques in Argentina, Marta comes back to Europe to explore the art of dynamic rope with masters of the highest level and work on the quality of movement thanks to contemporary dance.
With the solo show "ImmaginAria, aerial fantasies", she, now calls herself "Maldimar" and seeks to materialize fantasy to bring it on stage.
Besides performing, Marta co-founded the street theater company "Duo Artemis" and toured alongside the artistic collective with chapiteau "Circo Patuf ". She is in charge of event and art management for "El OttO", a small independent theater and place of creation for circus and scenic arts. The same place of creation where Teatro nelle Foglie's first production came to light, "Ballata d'Autunno".